
My Why

Growing up moving in and out of poverty, I experienced firsthand the resilience of families living on the margins of the economy. I can still tap into the shame I felt as a child using food stamps at the grocery store, receiving welfare, and losing our home to foreclosure. I clearly remember the day that personal shame transformed into righteous anger at injustice.

Witnessing my mother’s pain - and courage - planted the seeds that grew into my fierce determination to ensure that people have control over the decisions that affect their lives and my passion to uplift the dignity of the human spirit.

This shame, anger, and love - and the recognition that our humanity and our liberation are bound together - are foundational to who I am in the world and why community organizing is my practice and my calling.

It is a transformative experience for people to move out of their existing reality, share their stories, imagine new possibilities, and summon the anger, love, and courage needed to take action together to fight for justice and build a future in which we can all thrive.

Shame keeps us quiet, but the organizer “discovers the strength in wounds”.

Together we are transforming ourselves, our communities, our institutions, and our world. Our responsibility in this work is immeasurable.

About Caroline

Caroline Murray is a visionary and results-focused leader with over 35 years of experience on the frontlines as an organizer, strategist, and trainer across the movements for social, racial, and economic justice.

Caroline has led numerous local, state, and federal campaigns resulting in many key policy victories of our time - delivering real improvements to the lives of everyday people - as well as developing powerful movement organizations and tens of thousands of grassroots leaders organizing to create a just and equitable future. She has appeared on numerous national networks and local news programs, including NPR, CNN, MSNBC, Good Morning America, Fox News, and she was a regular guest on the O’Reilly Factor.

As founder and 20-year Executive Director of the Alliance to Develop Power (ADP), a multi-racial, low-income people’s organization, Caroline was in the vanguard of the New Economy movement, pioneering a synergistic model that combined the best practices of community organizing, community building, and cooperative economic development. She built a sustainable community-controlled economy valued at over $80 million that stopped capital flight, generated and redistributed community wealth, and built the beloved community.

Caroline also served with Van Jones as Rebuild the Dream's first National Organizing Director where she worked with renowned artist Prince to bring attention to growing economic and racial disparities while highlighting innovative solutions to the economic crisis.

Since founding Innovative Organizing, she has worked with an array of movement organizations, leaders, and campaigns seeking to build power and scale their impact.

Recent notable projects include:

  • Winning a nationally watched County School Board seat in Leesberg, VA, the hotbed of the culture wars

  • Designing an organization-wide restructuring and launch of a global faith-climate justice network

  • Building a bi-national faith-led program to meet, witness, & accompany asylum seekers at the US / MX border

  • Leading Cynthia Nixon’s historic primary challenge of former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, expanding the electorate by integrating relational outreach with innovative digital communication

  • Launching the groundbreaking NYC Department of Education Family and Community Outreach Program, successfully recruiting and training tens of thousands of low-income parents as co-decision makers in hundreds of NYC Community Schools

  • Leading the People’s Climate March, the largest and most diverse climate mobilization in history

  • Training, mentoring, and coaching the next generation of organizers

Caroline lives in Western Massachusetts where she is a leader in her community working towards racial and economic justice, equity, and sustainability. She is also the proud mother of two daughters who speak truth to power through art and activism.